The Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Footstep

Yes Confucius said it 2,500 years ago I am just restating it.

But it’s true.  If you are of normal health and can walk ten miles a day, you could be in  Steamboat Springs, Colorado in 91 days (distance 910 miles) or Tucson, Arizona in 95 days (distance 944 miles) or Cheyenne, Wyoming in 101 days (distance a tad over 1,000 miles) (YIKES) or Colorado Springs, Colorado in 106 days (distance 1,055 miles) or  Truth or Consequences, New Mexico in 107 days (distance 1070 miles, been there its lovely.)

No worries most of Kansas is a good 300 miles further on.

I know some of this walking is going to be uphill.  Some of its going to be in heavy weather.  If you start off too weighted down, you will lose some stuff along the way.   That’s life, pilgrim.

have a peaceful day,


One Response to “The Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Footstep”

  1. Don Swall Says:

    send me some of what you’re smoking

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